New Fully-functioning Boeing 737 NG Cockpit simulator for SALE!

The simulator has high quality external and internal input! The equipment , displays and buttons function just like in a real airplane which provides a realistic sensation. The 65 inches contrast screens with HD resolution provide the realistic scenery.  For the even more sensible feeling it has original pilot seats, syncronised yokes and pedals, autopilot, FMC with which you can make important adjustments for your flight, automatic throttle and rudder trim to help in handling different flight situations. The technical data appears on 6 EFIS screens on the control panel.

Different kind of simulation possibilities e.g. weather, day, route, 24000 airports, big cities, New york, London, Paris or your favourite destination! You can simulate emergency situations as well e.g. engine fire, motor failure, extreme weather conditions etc. It has a tutorial program with which we can create several situations and emergency phases, furthermore on the internet it can connect with more planes ,so realistic directional flight can be carried out. Also you can adjust the current weather and day time by using the internet. The simulator also has an ATC function (air traffic control) which allows you to communicate with a virtual control tower online.

The flight simulators are suitable for pilot-practicing, learning-education, but it provides excellent entertaining possibilities, that’s why it is perfect for commercial use. We recommend it to investors and private customers as well, we can also implement unique needs. It is a great investment, has stable value and big advertising power.

The simulators can be ordered in fixed or in motion versions.


2 people version

 Width:   3000 mm

Length:  2500 mm

Height:   2600 mm

New 6 people version 

 Width:   3000 mm

Length:  4500 mm

Height:   2600 mm

Traits: movable, original parts, easy transporting, disassembly and assembly in 3 days. We provide maintenance, installation, a full range of after services and coaching.

You can also visit us at site, to see and try the simulator!

In case you are interested, we are ready for your service.

Technical information

B-737 NG SIMULATOR Technical Equipment

Replicas using panels and devices

Visual system are available 180 degree viewing angle

  • 2 rudder pedal interlinked
  • 2 original seat B 737
  • 2 B 737 yoke trim function
  • Auto break panel
  • Mechanical flaps instrument
  • Mechanical gear lever
  • MCP autopilot
  •  6 EFIS
  • 2 rotary encoders
  • Knobs with symbols
  • 2 lever switches with three positions for VOR/ADF selection
  • 4 position rotary  switch  with push in for display mode selection
  • 8 position rotary switch with push in for ND range and TFC selection
  • 1 full cockpit shell
  • 1 central pedestal
  • 2 FMS ( CDU )
  • B-737 Trotthle  fully motorised
  • Thrust lever with reverse function [737ng-simulator-8-x]
  • Parking brake
  • Fuel control lever
  • Trim wheels
  • Speed  brake lever
  • Fire handles working according B-737
  • Fire bell
  • 2 Com
  • 2 NAV
  • 2 ADF
  • Rudder trim panel
  •  MCP
  • 6 encoders to set: Altitude, Heading, Speed, Vertical Speed, Left and Right Course
  • Knobs: with symbols on course
  • Toggle switches for Auto Trotthle ARM switch with Green Led indication
  • Toggle switches for Left and Right Flight Director with MA green Led indication
  • 1 full Overhead panel
  • Full Aft overhead panel
  • Leading Edge Devices
  • IRS ISDU and MSU
  • Audio control panel
  • Engine panel
  • Overhead Gear Lights
  • Forward Overhead panel
  • Flight Control Panel
  • Navigation and Displays panel
  • Fuel panel
  • AC and DC panel
  • Generator Drive and Standby power panel
  • Ground Power and Bus Switching panel
  • APU
  • Miscellaneous Forward Overhead Panels
  • Probe heat panel
  • Wing and engine anti-ice panel
  • Hydralic panel
  • Metal flooring
  • 3 LED TV 65″
  • 2-3 PC  
  • Service monitor
  • Interior led lighting
  • Professional PM Software
  • air-conditioning ( options)
  • +4 seats ( options)
  • Instructor software ( options)

If you need more information please contact us!

B-737 NG technical

The Boeing company’s brief history

The Boeing Company is one of the world’s biggest aircraft manufacturing companies and its home office is located in Chicago, USA. They produce hundreds of commercial airplanes and military crafts annually. As a result of this, in 2005, they won the “biggest aircraft manufacturing” title, after Airbus’s long-running victories.

The company was established in 1916 Seattle, by William E. Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt. At the end of that year, the company was running under the name “Pacific Aero Products”, however, in the following year it received the Boeing Airplane Company name. In 1927, William Boeing created his own company, the Boeing Air Transport (BAT). This later merged together with the other company, and together they formed the current organisation we know today, The Boeing Company.

Just under a century the company created many airplane types, of which the most well-known is their 737-mark that became a medium-range commercial flight. The 737 is not only one aircraft, it involves 3 generations. In the first series it has 2 sub-categories the 100 and 200-mark. The next one is the EFIS, also known as the Classic generation, which involves the 737-300, 400, 500-marks. The planes used today are under the Boeing 737- NG category, of what the NG acronym indicates “next generation”. This includes the 737-600, 700, 800 and 900-mark. There is a new generation in process which will receive the name 737X.

Boeing 737 NG
Boeing 737-600Boeing 737-700Boeing 737-800Boeing 737-900
Repülő személyzet2
Törzs hossza31,2 m33,6 m39,5 m42,1 m
Szárnyfesztávolság34,3 m
Szárny területe124,6 m2
Magasság12,5 m
Max. felszállósúly (MTOW)66.000 kg70.080 kg79.010 kg85.100 kg
Utazósebesség0,785 Mach
Maximum sebesség0.820 Mach
Utazómagasság12.500 m (41.000 Ft)
Hatótávolság (max. terhelés)5.970 km6.370 km5.765 km6.045 km
HajtóművekCFMI CFM 56-7
Tolóerő22.700 lb26.300 lb27.300 lb


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